Dockside Green Shoreline Rehabilitation

From 2007 to 2008, Archipelago provided key input on the design and implementation for shoreline rehabilitation on the Dockside Green development, and the adjacent Point Ellice Park waterfront.

Noted for its strict adherence to the principles of green building and sustainable design, Dockside Green is an award–winning 1,300,000–square–foot (120,000 m2) mixed–use community in Victoria, British Columbia. From 2007 to 2008, Archipelago helped to rehabilitate the shoreline along the Dockside Green development and the neighboring Point Ellice Park waterfront. The objectives of this rehabilitation included:

  • Improve the park shoreline characteristics and ecological function
  • Pilot the Green Shores rating system for a LEED platinum development
  • Develop a shore design using a committed environmental design and construction team


  • Remediation of a filled shore embankment with minimal hard shore construction
  • Reconstruction of an intertidal pocket beach
  • Incorporation of tidal pools into a rock headland feature
  • Enhancement of relic intertidal marsh areas
  • Removal of invasive species and planting of a functional marine riparian zone
  • A construction team that recognizes the environmental values of their endeavors